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1563 AD.
The history and creation of the Brzeska Bible is the Calvinistic movement, reaching Poland.

In accordance with the reformation, the Bible should be read in one's national language. This was the reason the Polish protestants of the XVI century began efforts towards their own translation of the Bible. Synod in Pińczów in 1559 appointed Grzegorz Orszacki, Piotr Statoriusz and Jan Thenaudusa to be translators. After three years, the Torah was translated. In 1560 the translators were joined by Jerzy Szoman and pastor Jakub Lubelczyk. All the men translating were Calvinists. The completed Biblia Brzeska was published in 1563 in Brzeście Litewskie. Being translated from the original languages Greek and Hebrew was the strong point of this Bible.

This Bible had different names: Radziwiłłowska after the name of the sponsor, Pińczowska from the place of translation, and Brzeska from the place of publication. Work on the translation was funded by Prince Mikołaj "The Black" Radziwiłł, and the chief over the translators was the owner of the town of Pińczow, Mikołaj Oleśnicki. The Brzeska Bible is the second Bible ever printed in the Polish language. The first one was Leopolita's Catholic Bible. About 100 copies of the original Brzeska Bible have survived until today. They can be seen in Jagiellońska's library, Ossolińska's library, the University of Warsaw's library, and in the Polish Library in Paris. The Brzeska Bible is important for Poland as a nation because it stands on one of the main slogans from the Reformation "Sola Scriptura" which means "by Scripture alone."