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1632 AD.
The Gdańska Bible is a Polish translation from 1632, completed in collaboration with the Unity of the Brethren and Calvinists. It was the final stage of the long evelopmental process of religious and biblical language.

Work over this Bible began with the revision of the Brzeska Bible and lasted for over a quarter of the century. In 1604, the Synod in Baranowo commanded Daniel Mikołajewski, elder of Kujawskie assembles, and Jan Turnowski, elder of Unity of the Brethern in Wielkopolska, to compare the Brzeska Bible with the Czech Karlicka Bible, the French Bible, the Latin Pagninos Bible, the Vulgate, and Janicki's New Testament from 1600. Mikołajewski also used the Plantin Polyglot's text in translating and he listed those editions in the preface of the New Testament of the Gdańska Bible. The completed Bible was published on the 18th of November 1632 in Hünefeld's printing house in Gdańsk.

The final decision to publish the new edition was made by representatives of Małopolska and Litwa at the Synod in Wilno in 1629. They decided to accept Mikołajewski's Bible, after ensuring that the text was faithful to Brzeska's Bible. The Synod decided to include the preface and marginal notes from the Radzwiłłowska Bible. In the end, however, those additions were not printed. It is interesting that the Gdańska Bible was published to be pocket sized, which was not widely applauded. This translation was revised many times, and more important revisions took place in 1660 in Amsterdam and 1738 in Królewiec. The Gdańska Bible became the main translation of Polish protestants, which they used until the more contemporary Warszawska Bible was published in 1975.