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1572 AD.
The Plantin Polyglot, also called the Antwerp Polyglot, Biblia Regia or King's Bible was exceptionally helpful for translators. It included the complete printed Greek manuscripts and the Septuagint. It was published by Plantin and requested by Philip II, the king of Spain.

It was modeled after the Complutensian Polyglot Bible, the first ever printed Polyglot, and included full Biblical texts in three versions: Hebrew, Greek and Latin. The Antwerp Polyglot was supposed to replace the Complutensian edition, because a vast number of copies was lost when the ship taking the books to Italy sank. The Antwerp Polyglot consisted of eight volumes. The Old Testament was printed in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, Latin and Syrian and it contained new translation of the Old and New Testament by Santes Pagnini. The Antwerp Polyglot contained texts taken from the Syrian book, "Peshitta" which was translated into Latin, text found in the Complutensian Polyglot, and the Jewish book, "Targum," which was written in Aramaic.

The Greek text of the New Testament came from the fourth edition of Erasmus's publication. Work over this Bible lasted for four years, from 1568 to 1572. It was copied 1200 times in the form of a book and thirteen times in the form of a manuscript for the king himself. The Plantin Polyglot Bible was a milestone in the development of the printing process and the work to translate the Bible into national languages. It was the basis for many outstanding translations of the Bible. It was also helpful while translating the KJV Bible and the Gdanska Bible.