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1599 AD.
This translation was another attempt to translate the Bible from Latin to Polish. It was ordered by the Church authorities, after obtaining permission from Pope Gregory XIII.

The purpose of creating the Jakub Wujek Bible was to create a faithful reflection of the Latin Vulgate text, which, by ordinance from the Council of Trent in 1546, became the official translation of the Roman Catholic Church. However, Wujek had also used the Hebrew and Greek text from the Plantin Polygot in his translating. He also supplied the translation with a number of references, providing the original meaning of the text. The translation was characterized by its simplicity but also its elegant style and beauty of words. Jakub Wujek respected Jerome's rule "non verbo a verbo, sed sensum exprimere sensu" - "render sense for sense and not word for word." Separate editions of the New Testament and Wujek's Psalter reveal secrets of his translation style. Work on translating the remaining books of the Old Testament was finalized in 1596.

Priest Jakub Wujek didn't see the complete Bible being published. He died in Krakow on the 27th of July 1597. The complete translation was then supervised by editors and censors. The complete Bible was published two years after Wujek's death in 1599. Prefaces to the books included a strong critique of the protestant translations, reflecting their Catholic views. Wujek's canonical translation, "Editio Authentica," replaced Leopolita Bible and served as the main Polish Catholic translation, remaining unchanged for over 350 years. It was replaced by the contemporary translation, Biblia Tysiaclecia, which was published in 1965.