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1560 AD.
The year 1553 was marked by reign of Mary I of England. The queen was eager to quench the reformation and restore the Catholic Church to its previous position. Any resistance was severely punished. She was called Bloody Mary because of the many prison and death sentence she issued.

During her reign, a lot of English protestants and theologians left the country and moved to Geneva, where they could hide under protection of John Calvin. Geneva was the place where Robert Stephanus printed his Greek New Testament. It was the place where the work of translating the Bible from the original languages, Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic, started. It was where the work on the Geneva Bible, which was also known as People's Bible, had begun. The whole project was supervised by William Whittingham. The Geneva Bible was printed in 1560 and was strongly Protestant and Calvinistic. The Bible was published in a handy size and mass distributed.
The Geneva Bible was the first Bible to be printed in a different style than the previous editions. It included: numbered verses with chapter divisions, references, introduction to books, maps, tables, illustrations and indexes. Each page had explanatory notes and intercalated words were marked by italics. The text was presented in two columns with references in the margins. This bible also included a 16 page long introduction written by John Calvin, an alphabetical concordance, a chronological timeline from Adam to Christ and a section concerning the life of Paul. For almost 100 years the Geneva Bible was the main Bible for studying the Holy Scriptures. It was often referred to as the Pilgrim's Bible, because it was the bible that came to America on the Mayflower.