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1611 AD.
The history of King James Translation starts in 1603 in England, after the death of Elisabeth I, and succession of the throne to her cousin James VI. The kingdom he inherited was divided by religious conflicts. To solve this problem he called up a meeting in January 1604 with the bishops, priests and professors.

In the meeting was John Reynold, a Puritan, who participated by moving the king with the words: "there might be a new translation of the Bible, because those which were allowed in the reigns of Henry VII and Edward VI were corrupt and not answerable to the truth of the original." The king agreed to the request, at the dissatisfaction of the high ranking priests. The main motive behind the translation was creating an English Bible with the greatest possible conformity to the original Greek and Hebrew texts. The translation was to be printed without any additional comments in the margins. In July 1604 the work started and was conducted by 54 representatives of the most important academies in the country. For next four years the translation took place in the universities of Cambridge, Oxford and Westminster in London.

The complete translation was revised and examined by Miles Smith and Thomas Bilson. The final version was supplemented with Smith's preface and the King James Bible was first printed in 1611. The translators were aided by the strongest sides of the previous English translations, such as Tyndale's Bible, Matthew's Bible or the Geneve Bible. No other book has contributed so much to the English speaking world as the King James Bible.