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What kind of exhibition is it?
The collection belongs to private founders who provide their facsimiles and reprints for educational purposes. The exhibition is taken to museums, schools, orphanages and community centres throughout the whole country. The project is an interactive way to get people familiar with the history of the Word of God, a history, which illustrates 1500 years of the creation of one book the Bible. The following 2000 years are a history of the Bible’s translations into national languages. A total of 3500 years told in one hour for children. Two and a half hours for guides. We stop 30 times to look at words written on stone tables, animal’s skin, papyruses and parchments. We will see the first ever produced font and handwritten pages of this timeless book. We will see facsimiles and reprints of the first English, German, Polish, Greek, Latin and Hebrew editions.

100 m2
The surface of the exposition takes up between 60100m2 and can be divided into sections or presented in parts. Depending on the needs its content can be modified or customised to the area available to the receiver. If required there is also a possibility of an additional lecture in the form of a multimedia show, enriched by a calligraphy course led by specialists.